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5 Reasons Why You Should Be Conducting Engagement Surveys

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Image of employee responding to a survey

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Employee engagement has become one of the key focus points for business leaders throughout the world. A highly engaged workforce results in a healthy organisation and can provide a multitude of benefits.

Understanding the level of engagement of your workforce is important to know the current status of health and understand where improvements can be made.

But how do you measure and track this engagement?


What are Engagement Surveys?

Engagement surveys are a tool used to measure and assess how engaged, motivated, or aggrieved employees are at a certain point in time. An effective engagement survey can reveal valuable information and insights that management can use to improve the workplace.

Engagement surveys are ultimately used to assess if employees can perform at their best each day and determine the areas that may be preventing them from reaching their best.

They are generally more in-depth and lengthier than a pulse survey and are usually carried out at the conclusion of the year or financial year.

So, why should you be conducting engagement surveys within your organisation?

1. Allow your employees to be heard

Giving your employees an opportunity to voice their feedback establishes open, two-way communication with management and enables them to be involved in any upcoming decisions.

The notion of feeling listened to makes employees feel valued and increases loyalty, morale and motivation.

2. Measure engagement levels and benchmark results

The feedback derived from engagement surveys provides management with an insight into the engagement of the different sections of their workforce that they may not have been previously aware of.

Measuring employee engagement levels is integral to improving the health of your organisation, and the data must be carefully stored and analysed.

If management isn’t aware of any baseline measurement, they cannot successfully track the progression of improvement or deterioration of engagement.

An engagement survey provides a brilliant baseline of measurement and this can be followed up with a series of pulse surveys to check that the actioned items have been correctly implemented.

3. Increase employee engagement

After the engagement has been measured and a baseline established, it allows management the opportunity to implement the overarching goal of an engagement survey – to employee engagement!

The data sourced from the survey will convey what the business is doing well in, and also what the business is not doing so well in, in the eyes of the employees.

Maintain the positives and improve on the negative aspects of the feedback to achieve organisational growth.

Conversely, if management fails to act on the feedback, this can negatively affect employee morale and engagement. There’s nothing worse than feeling ignored after you’ve aired your opinion.

4. Build a great company culture and retain top staff

An engaged workforce results in a positive working environment and overall company culture. Even if the results of the survey portray that certain aspects of the business need to be improved, the action taken by management to rectify these areas will earn the business goodwill with their employees.

Staff who feel their opinion is valued and that the business cares about their wellbeing and is making an effort are less likely to leave the business, thus improving its retention rate.


5. Increase productivity

Highly engaged employees can also have a positive impact on the financial wellbeing of your company.

Engaged employees are often high in morale and motivation, which often results in:

  • High productivity
  • Improved customer service
  • Increased sales
  • Increased profits
  • Increased shareholder returns
  • Lower absenteeism
Image on survey benefits

What are the benefits of utilising software for an Engagement Survey?

There are a multitude of benefits to using advanced software for carrying out business’ engagement surveys, such as:

·      Anonymity: Online systems can allow for both anonymous and attributed answering so employees can feel safe to express their true feelings.

·      Analytics: The reporting offered by such systems delivers insights that can further benefit your business.

·      Customised approach: Software that is able to be customised to suit the different goals of each survey.

·      Integration: A system that is fully integrated with other industry-leading software in the recruitment and retention space.

·      Security: Every company can be assured that they will own the data from their surveys.

·      Simplicity: Extremely user-friendly.

Increase the performance of your engagement surveys and watch the improvement in the overall health of your organisation.

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