
Service Inspired Restaurants reviews Xref's online reference checking software within the hospitality industry. Results included improved question consistency to enable candidate benchmarking.
"Xref provides accurate and insightful reference reporting."
References completed outside of business hours
The average time taken to turnaround references
References completed without the need to chase referees
SIR Corp owns and operates more than 60 restaurants and prides itself on the high level of service and standard of food it offers visitors. Meeting these expectations requires a robust hiring process to find the right people for the team.
Prior to introducing Xref, SIR Corp's HR team spent too much time on routine, mundane tasks and not enough time recruiting - the main frustration being the time spent calling and chasing references. Xref now manages the referencing to ensure the team are doing their due diligence with speed and accuracy at the final, critical stage of the hiring process.
Using Xref, SIR Corp has: