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Why Working from Home May Have More Opportunities than Challenges

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Remote Working - Obstacles Can Become Opportunities!

Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks, and that’s precisely what remote hiring has revealed to us. The need to shift to online hiring has thrown most well-oiled recruitment processes off-balance, but there is a bright side to it. We looked at some of the current challenges hiring teams face and what could be future opportunities to adopt betters systems.

1. The Challenge of Change Management

Navigating significant changes to any business is hard, and it takes time to adapt. Usually, change management is handled with a strategy developed over several months and implemented with care. In high-pressure environments, we find ourselves having to do the multiple steps involved concurrently. 

What is the opportunity?

Create a plan on how you can adapt to the changing environment using technology to your advantage. 

When you leverage data and tech-driven processes, there’s far less room for unconscious bias which ensures your hiring journey remains compliant and expands the pool of candidates that might be attracted to your roles.

Man working from home with laptop, monitor and notebook

2. The Challenge to Maintain Consistency

Teams that previously lacked robust processes and collaborative approaches are required to instantly adapt to ensure there’s no drop in the performance of the recruitment function.

What is the opportunity?

Creating processes to ensure all functions operate smoothly. 

With dispersed teams working towards common goals having central and standard processes in place will maintain consistency and offer a great platform to keep teams streamlines in the future.

3. The Communication Gap Challenge 

Teams that are used to being together in the same office and with other members of the business around them will face the difficulty of adapting to an entirely virtual environment. 

What is the opportunity?

All candidates have a level playing field irrespective of the location they are in.

Traditionally candidates are asked to move around visiting recruiters or employers for interviews. With a remote working model, everyone starts on a level playing field. Work from home opens up opportunities for candidates in different countries or cities who may not previously have been deemed suitable. So if you had an eye on an applicant who lives in another part of the world, you could invite them to interview with you without having to pay for their airfare and hotel. 

Woman on laptop in zoom meeting

4. The Challenge of a Lack of Technical Knowledge

As all stages of recruitment processes will now need to be handled digitally, those that were still very reliant on face-to-face interactions and manual processes will need to get up to speed with technology quickly. 

What is the opportunity?

Showcase your employer brand as to how quickly your business can adapt and is ready to handle changing environments. 

Now is a great time to demonstrate what your company is capable of despite a crisis by creating a streamlined recruitment experience and a great first impression for candidates. You can create a positive candidate experience even if it’s virtually and be at the top of your game to attract top talent. 

5. The Challenge of Lack of Human Connection

Creating a connection with candidates through a screen can be difficult and requires profound empathy from the recruiter for the way the candidate is feeling and the impact each stage of the hiring process is having on them. 

What is the opportunity?

You save resources on travel and time-to-hire.

As tech-driven processes become the new norm and everyone becomes accustomed to doing everything virtually the recruitment process will dramatically speed up the hiring journey. Video interviews reduce scheduling complications and eliminate the stress of a face to face discussion. 

The need for change in technology processes and rethinking traditional methods can significantly improve candidate quality and turn around. Companies that are accepting the challenge and embracing opportunities are discovering that technology is their trusted partner, understanding employer brand is key and candidate experience is a top priority. Added to the list of benefits of recruiting remotely is lower expenses for the company, lower absenteeism and higher productivity. 

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